Business MentorshipBusiness Mentorship

Starting and growing a business can be a challenging journey, but you don’t have to do it alone. Alberta offers a wealth of resources, including free or low-cost mentorship and training programs designed to help entrepreneurs and small businesses succeed. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to expand, these programs provide the guidance, skills, and support you need to navigate the business world. 

1. Alberta Women Entrepreneurs (AWE)

Alberta Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) is dedicated to helping women in Alberta start, grow, and scale their businesses. AWE offers a range of services, including free mentorship and training programs specifically tailored for women entrepreneurs.

Programs Offered:

  • Mentor Connect: A mentorship program that pairs experienced business owners with new entrepreneurs to provide guidance, support, and valuable insights.
  • Workshops and Webinars: AWE offers various workshops and webinars on topics like marketing, financial management, and business planning.

How to Access: Visit the AWE website and explore their programs under the mentorship and training sections. Most programs are free or have minimal fees, and you can register online.

2. Business Link

Business Link is a valuable Alberta business resource that provides entrepreneurs in Alberta with free business advice, mentorship, and resources. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, Business Link offers one-on-one support and connects you with the right tools and experts.

Programs Offered:

  • One-on-One Coaching: Free personalized coaching sessions with business advisors who can help you with everything from business planning to marketing strategies.
  • Indigenous Services: Tailored support for Indigenous entrepreneurs, including mentorship and access to funding resources.
  • Webinars and Workshops: Regular online and in-person events on a variety of business topics.

How to Access: You can access Business Link’s services by visiting their website and scheduling a consultation or signing up for their events. 

3. Futurpreneur Canada

Futurpreneur Canada supports young entrepreneurs aged 18-39 with resources, financing, and mentorship to help launch and grow successful businesses. In Alberta, Futurpreneur offers a structured mentorship program that pairs new entrepreneurs with seasoned business professionals.

Programs Offered:

  • Startup Program: Includes financing, mentorship, and resources tailored to young entrepreneurs.
  • Mentorship Program: Matches new business owners with experienced mentors who guide for up to two years.

How to Access: To join Futurpreneur’s mentorship program, visit their website, and apply online. The mentorship is included as part of their startup program, which offers a comprehensive package of support for new business owners.

4. Regional Innovation Networks (RINs)

Alberta’s Regional Innovation Networks (RINs) provide a collaborative ecosystem of service providers, including business incubators, accelerators, and research institutions. They offer mentorship, training, and advisory services to help tech and innovation-focused businesses thrive.

Programs Offered:

  • Mentorship Programs: Access to experienced mentors in various industries, particularly in tech and innovation.
  • Training Workshops: Specialized workshops focusing on business development, product commercialization, and scaling strategies.

How to Access: There are several RINs across Alberta, including Innovate Calgary, TEC Edmonton, and RINSA in Southern Alberta. Check out your local RIN’s website to learn more about available programs and how to apply.

5. Alberta Chambers of Commerce

The Alberta Chambers of Commerce network includes local chambers that offer various resources for businesses, including free mentorship programs and training workshops. Joining a local chamber can provide access to a network of experienced business leaders and ongoing support.

Programs Offered:

  • Mentorship Programs: Some local chambers offer mentorship opportunities, connecting new business owners with seasoned professionals in their industry.
  • Training and Events: Regular workshops, seminars, and networking events on relevant business topics.

How to Access: Visit the Alberta Chambers of Commerce website to find your local chamber. Membership is often required, but the mentorship and training benefits can be well worth the investment.


1. Are there free business mentorship programs available in Alberta?
Yes, Alberta offers several free business mentorship programs through organizations like Business Link, Alberta Women Entrepreneurs, and Community Futures. These programs provide valuable guidance and support to help businesses succeed.

2. How can I find the right mentorship program for my business?
Start by identifying your specific needs—whether it’s industry-specific advice, startup guidance, or scaling support. Then, explore the programs offered by local organizations such as Business Link, Futurpreneur Canada, and regional innovation networks to find a match.

3. Do I need to be a member to access mentorship programs from the Alberta Chambers of Commerce?
While some mentorship programs may be exclusive to members, many chambers offer free or low-cost events and training that are open to the public. It’s worth exploring what your local chamber offers and considering membership for additional benefits.

4. Are there mentorship and training resources for rural businesses in Alberta?
Yes, Community Futures Alberta specializes in supporting rural businesses with coaching, mentorship, and training tailored to the unique challenges of rural entrepreneurship. They offer a range of services to help rural businesses thrive.

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